Wolf run


Special report by our roving reporter Lisa Ansell.
The Wolf Run – Saturday 6th April 2013 – Nr. Leamington Spa.
Bruce Hendrie, Rebecca Biegel (Bex), Kerry Clarke, Emma Ball, Lisa Ansell and Jim Armstrong.
After 6 months of waiting, the day had finally arrived for the team ‘Hendrie and His Hungry Wolves’ to take part in the Wolf Run. After the coldest March for some time(!) the team were a little apprehensive about the lake swim. Their nerves were not settled much the day before either, when receiving an email from the organisers with tips including, taking a sleeping bag for afterwards to help you thaw out!
After registering/ getting our numbers written on our faces we had our ‘before’ photos taken and
then joined the ‘compulsory’ Military warm up session, which was more fun than it actually looked. 
We waited at the start line with our team all together, the music played and off we went…..
Over the tyres was our first obstacle (in front of the crowd), with a bit of a wobble from Emma which was well recovered, we were clear. We were all on a high due to the long build-up we had (6 month wait). Lisa seemed to impersonate Bex by talking fast and non-stop with excitement, during the first part of the run. We were all enjoying it through the wooded area until we turned the corner and there it was….
Our first lake, (usually knee deep but was actually chest height). We nearly lost Jim as he seemed to disappear into a deeper part. We got out just in time (the water was freezing cold it stung your legs). The main lake which you swim across was excluded on the day due to the high risk of hypothermia.
The soapy slide was our favourite obstacle. Bruce had to push himself along a few times to get going, Kerry and Lisa ‘flew’ down, with Lisa screaming as all she could see was Bex trying to get out of the way.
The funniest moment was Kerry and her ‘Vicar of Dibley’ impression! Whilst running through a muddy track, ankle deep, Lisa ‘encouraged’ Kerry to take the path to the left which looked a little bit muddier/wetter. Not needing much encouragement, Kerry ran straight into it and promptly disappeared - it went deeper than her waist!  We fell about laughing whilst Bex, kindly helped her climb out of the pit.  Bruce had followed closely behind and managed to wade through somehow and get out the other side.
Being true Cross country runners, we all jumped into the muddy water pits (2 of them) at the end – well Emma almost dived into them, whilst the crowd cheered us on.
We all enjoyed it that much that we booked up that night to do the September one, so we can swim the lake this time.
Bruce Hendrie – Dragging Lisa out of the mud pit (literally)/Helping the team over obstacles of which he flew over and being the first up the muddy banks and helping the rest of us up them.
Jim Armstrong – flying over the climbing walls/net in record time/magic disappearing act in the lake.
Kerry Clarke – ‘Vicar of Dibley’ impersonation and being the last to get up the muddy banks at the end.
Rebecca Biegel – Losing her number several times, Keeping her hat on all the way around – (how did she do that?) and almost having her number permanently written on her face.
Emma Ball – Helping her nervous teammate over the Wall/Net and almost diving into the mud pit..
Lisa Ansell – One of the fastest and definitely the loudest down the water slide.
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