Chiltern league report


From Teardrop lakes Milton Keynes

The second round of the Chiltern league took place at a rain swept Teardrop Lake in Milton Keynes on Saturday and was incorporated into the UKA Cross Country Challenge series as well. On a day when local football matches were being called off left, right and centre an intrepid team of Harrier’s were willing to brave the elements and to test themselves against many of the best runners in the country.

Henry Pollock and Reuben Snelson were first up in the under-11 boys race running really well and finishing 17th and 24th respectively in a field of 82. Angus Pollock also ran strongly in the under-13 boys finishing 7th in division two and 40th out of 112 overall. Tia Williams produced a storming run to finish 5th in the under-15 girl’s division two match and 31st overall before Owen Knox and Cameron Baugh finished 13th and 18th respectively in the divisional match and 86th and 96th overall.

Next up was Emily Thompson in the woman’s under-17/20 and her fine efforts on the day were rewarded with an excellent 2nd place in the division and 29th overall.

First home in the senior men was Tim Wright in an impressive 8th position in division two and 87th overall, he was followed by a good run from Phil Coy who was 93rd and 363rd and then Neil Forbes who was 119th and 418th and Andy Bartlett 140th and 453rd.

In the senior woman there was a good race between Ros Kelling and Michelle Bartlett who finished 7th and 8th in division 2 split by just 6 seconds and 70th and 72nd overall. Next home was Rebecca Pull in 35th and 141st and then Lisa Ansell in 64th and 200th position.

Well done to all who competed in really tricky conditions.


Below are additional results for our division and age groups from michelle (see this in full on the facebook page. 

Well done to all those who competed last Saturday at the second fixture of the Chiltern League cross country at Teardrop Lakes, Milton Keynes in very wet and muddy conditions.

Our results were as follows:

U15G – 5th Tia Williams


U17/U20W – 2nd Emily Thompson (who also came 12th in the British Athletics Cross Challenge)

SW – 7th Ros Kelling (1st W45), 8th Michelle Bartlett (2nd W45), 35th Becky Pull (15th SW), 64th Lisa Ansell (25th W35) – 3rd Senior Women’s team

U11B – 17th Henry Pollock, 24th Ruben Snelson

U13B – 7th Angus Pollock

U15B – 13th Owen Knox, 18th Cameron Baugh

SM – 8th Tim Wright (7th SM), 93rd Phil Coy (1st M60), 119th Neil Forbes (4th M60), 140th Andy Bartlett (8th M60)



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