Organised by Banbury Harriers A.C. 


UK Athletics License Number: 28741 

Course Accuracy Certificate Number: 23/453 

Adjudicator:  James Bolton 

Participant Information 

Race Headquarters:
Spiceball Leisure Centre, 
Cherwell Drive,
OX16 2BW 

Date:  Sunday 23rd March 2025
Start Time: 10.30am 

Race Start & Finish: Spiceball Country Park 

This guidance has been prepared in line with England Athletics guidance. We will continue to amend the guidance as regulations and conditions change in the lead up to race day. Participants are asked to revisit the guidance prior to race day so that you are aware of our latest advice. 

We need your help ensuring a safe race environment. We will provide facilities such as refreshments, toilets, changing areas and showers at Race HQ but you may decide to come “ready to race”.   


  •        On-line entry costs £22 for affiliated runners and £24 for unaffiliated runners, using the England Athletics RunEvents entry system, link here:
  •        On-line entries will close at midnight on 16th March 2025.
  •        Race numbers will be available for collection at the Race Headquarters on race day. Please arrive in plenty of time to collect your number and make your way to the start.
  •        There may be a limited number of ‘entries on the day’ available: £25 for affiliated runners and £27 for unaffiliated runners.


This race will be run in line with England Athletics guidance and frameworks. While Covid restrictions have now been removed from day-to-day activity, we may need to update this guidance prior to the race to provide the latest COVID-19 Participant Code of Conduct. 

Please respect the officials and comply with marshal’s requests at all times. 

Getting to the Race 

Leave M40 Junction 11. At roundabout take A422/Hennef Way towards Banbury. Go straight on at the next roundabout, continuing on the A422/Hennef Way. Turn left at the next roundabout onto Concord Avenue towards the Town Centre. Turn right at the next roundabout onto Cherwell Drive, from where you can access various car parks. 

From Warwick Oxford or Coventry take the Castle Street exit at the Warwick/Southam Rd Traffic Lights. 


There are various public car parks on Cherwell Drive and Spiceball Park Road, all within a few minutes of Race HQ and the race start / finish. Parking charges will apply. We recommend that you do NOT park at the Leisure Centre itself or the upper floor Lidl car park as these both have time restrictions (short stay only). 

Arrival (Changing and Toilets) 

We have arranged for changing facilities, showers and toilets to be available at the Race HQ. Please ensure you use these facilities before heading over to the race start which is a 5 minute walk away in the park. Due to vandalism in the last two years, we will not be providing portaloos close to the start. Anyone found urinating in Spiceball Park, or around the course, will be Please do not urinate in the park – anyone seen doing this will be disqualified and reported to England Athletics, and their details reported to the Police. Be aware that this jeopardises our ability to host future races, gives us a bad name, and may be viewed by the Police as “exposure”, and considered even more severely if in proximity of minors. 

Start / Finish Location 

The race starts and finishes in Spiceball Country Park, which will be clearly signed from the car parks and from Race HQ. Please arrive in good time to collect your number and make your way to the start. 


See course map below. After leaving the park we run on pavements out of Banbury towards The Bourtons and then on roads through quitet local villages before looping back to Banbury and the park finish. It’s an undulating / hilly course! Due to normal road conditions, there may be potholes anywhere on the route but mainly between miles 7 and 8.  Note that there are no road closures so please follow Marshal instructions and race signage at all times. Finally, the course will be narrow at the start, so please allow faster runners to start at the front in the interest of safety and good sportsmanship. 


Please wear your number on the front of your running vest. Please ensure your name, date of birth, next of kin contact details and any medical problems and/or medication are clearly written on the back of your number. In accordance with UKA Competition Rules, specifically TR5.9, bib numbers must be worn as issued, and may not be cut, folded or obscured in any way. TR5.8 & TR5.11.2 permit disqualification of any athlete deforming their bib number.Do NOT fold, cut or mutilate the number in any way. 

Number Transfer/Refunds 

Number transfer is not accepted. Any runners found to be wearing an “illegal” number will be disqualified and details will be reported to the appropriate governing bodies. Refunds can requested up to 4 weeks before the race date only.  


All entrants shall be deemed to have made themselves, familiar with, and agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules. The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to entrants participating in the sport of Athletics, for 12 months from the date of the race, whether or not the licence holder is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK. 

Race Etiquette 

The course will be well marshalled. Please follow any instructions the marshals give. In accordance with TR55.7 & .8, please kKeep to the left-hand side of the road at all times, unless otherwise directed, especially on right-handed bends where traffic may be met coming towards you. Marshals have no power to stop or direct traffic, therefore all runners are responsible for their own safety. 

In accordance with TR55 S5 – For safety reasons runners must not wear head/earphones of any type (including ear buds and whether worn in, on or over the ear, INCLUDING INDUCTION HEADPHONES (except by prior agreement for a medical condition – please email after entry). Thise race is run on open roads and participants are required to be able to always hear instruction from marshals and race officials. Anyone found to be in breach of this rule will be disqualified from the race and will be unable to compete in the subsequent year. 

Water & Litter 

There will be 3 water stations providing sealed, bottled water at around miles 4, 8 and 11. We will also supply sealed bottled water at the finish. Each participant is responsible for their own well-being, so if you believe additional hydration or supplies will be required to complete the race, please bring them with you. 

If you have ANY litter to drop, whether this be empty water bottles, rehydration/supplement or dextrose pouches, or anything else, please drop it at a water station – there is an additional bag for rubbish 200m after each water station on the course. 


Will be available in soon after the race on Roster, and the the Banbury Harriers website will display the full result within 24 hours of the race finish.  

Medals / Prizes / Award Presentation 

Medals will be awarded to all finishers. 

We plan to present prizes at the start/finish area in Spiceball Park as soon as possible after the race results have been verified, usually by 1pm.  If inclement weather, we will use the indoor hall at Race HQ.  

Prizes will be awarded for the first three men and three women, plus first and second in male and female veteran categories.  Maximum of one individual prize per competitor and a minimum of 3 finishers are required for a 2nd place prize to be awarded in vet categories.  Also, male and female team prizes. 


We have arranged access to refreshments, changing facilities, showers and toilets at the Race HQ. Bag storage facilities will also be available at Race HQ, with tags available on collection of bib numbers – bags are left entirely at the participants own risk. 

First Aid 

Will be provided by Cotswold First Aid. Should you need assistance, please contact the nearest Marshal or Race Official who will contact our Race Director, First Aiders, or emergency services as appropriate. 


You are free to obtain sponsorship for any good cause, but our preferred charity is The Katharine House Hospice. 

Fun Runs 

We have traditionally held the Paul Bithell Memorial fun runs in the park whilst the main 15-mile race is underway. However, there is now an established junior parkrun every Sunday in the park, and we do not feel it is sensible to operate the fun runs and parkrun on the same day. The parkrun is an excellent, well attended event so, in consultation with the management of junior parkrun, we have decided not to operate our fun runs this year. We would encourage all juniors (ages 4-14) to take part in the parkrun, which will operate as standard at 9.00 am in Spiceball Park. 

Full details here:  Banbury Junior parkrun 

Finally, we would ask participants in the 15-mile race to be courteous to the junior parkrunners and avoid warming up on their course. The parkrun event should be finished by around 9.30am.  


Please visit the Banbury Harriers website for maps, previous results and any last-minute information such as inclement weather. 


Clearly holding the race involves a commitment to a range of fixed costs for the organisers. Should the race be cancelled, participants will be reimbursed 50% of their entry fee,s but may alternatively request that their entry is rolled over to a free entry to the 2026 race. 

Final Words 

It is a pleasant scenic course, so enjoy the race, take care, keep to the left, look after yourself and fellow runners, follow the Marshals instructions with good grace and try to minimise any possible objection to the future running of the race.  

See you there.